Football News

June 3, 2016

STAG ELITE LEAGUE FINALE CONTINUES – final preliminary double-header to be hosted



3rd June, 2016; Georgetown:  The final preliminary games of the Stag Elite League Finale will be held on Saturday, 4th June, 2016 at the National Track and Field Facility, Leonora beginning at 18:00hrs.

The matches will feature GFC vs GDF FC in the first game and Fruta Conquerors FC vs Pele FC in the second.

This double-header is being played following a meeting with the Executive of the Pele Football Club and that of the GFF on the 1st June, 2016 to discuss the ongoing provisional suspension of the team and the corresponding penalty. It was decided that the provisional suspension of the club will be lifted and the three points deducted from the Club will be restored; however, the club will still be required to pay the fine imposed.

Additionally, the three players in question, Gregory Richardson, Omario Williams and Travis Grant, have remained suspended and have been written to and advised to submit statements of their version of events to the Disciplinary Committee; the deadline for submission is Friday, 3rd June, 2016. The hearing with the Disciplinary Committee is scheduled for Friday, 10th June, 2016. Therefore, the club will play the scheduled game excluding the players in question.

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